Find a detailed explanation to each terms used in the Dividend Snapshot Screeners.
Opportunity Grade
The grade is based on the opportunity score as a way to simplify looking at stocks with a similar score.
Opportunity Score
The score represent an opportunity value based on the historical and current data. It is a proprietary formula that can help guide in assessing a stock that may be presenting itself as an opportunity. You should always do your own research and validate your investment decisions.
Previous Opportunity Score
The score from the previous update.
The company stock identifier on the exchange.
The full name of the company.
The sector the company belongs to as identified on the TMX.
The stock price at the time of the export.
52-Week Ratio
The range the stock price is at between the 52-week low and high. A high percentage means it’s close to the high and a low means it’s near the bottom.
52-Week Low
The registered low price in the past 52 weeks at the time of the export.
52-Week High
The registered high price in the past 52 weeks at the time of the export.
5 & 10 Year Stock Growth or Total Return
This metric calculates the stock growth from today minus 5 or 10 years and shows the growth of the stock in percentage. This is not an annual return but just growth.
From the data provider. The total return incorporates the price change and any relevant dividends for the specified period. Compounded daily return for the specified period is used to calculate Total Return and it’s effectively the dividend reinvested Total Return methodology.
Market Capitalization
The Market Capitalization in billions which represents the value of the company. The formula consist of multiplying the number of outstanding shares by the stock price.
The Price to Earnings ratio at the time of the export. The P/E is a simple ratio that allows to compare company valuation at a glance. Depending on the nature of the business, the P/E can be used to identify if a stock is over-valued or not. It’s a good metric to compare valuation of companies in the same industry.
Average Sector P/E
The average P/E of the sector based on the companies in the list.
The Earnings Per Share as reported by Google at the time of the export.
Annual Yield
The dividend yield for the stock. If the dividend is paid in USD, a conversion rate is applied to calculate the yield in Canadian dollars.
Average Sector Yield
The average yield of companies in the sector calculated based on the companies in the list.
Average Industry Yield
The average yield of companies in the industry calculated based on the companies in the list.
CDN Annual Dividend
The annual dividend paid by the company. For companies paying their dividend in US dollars, this dividend is converted to Canadian on the export date.
Dividend Payout Ratio (EPS)
The payout ratio is the ratio between dividends and EPS. Each company usually have a dividend payout ratio policy and each sectors usually stay within a certain range.
Sector Payout Ratio (EPS)
The payout ratio average for the stocks in the same sector.
Industry Payout Ratio (EPS)
The payout ratio average for the stocks in the same industry.
Dividend Currency
The currency the dividend is declared in by the company.
Currency Exchange
The currency exchange rate applied at the time of the export.
Payments Per Year
The number of dividend payments made by the company not including any special dividends.
The dividend per payment paid by the company per their distribution policy not including special dividends.
Currency Annual Dividend
The annual dividend paid by the company in the declared Dividend Currency. The dividend times the number of payments per year.
Annual Dividend Growth
The dividend growth percentage over the past year. It extrapolates the current dividend payment to an annual payment and compares it to the previous year.
Last Dividend Growth
The dividend growth percentage over the previous dividend on a per payment.
Last Dividend Rate
The dividend paid prior to the current dividend.
Last Dividend Change Date
The date the current dividend was declared by the company.
Days Since Last Change
The number of days since the last changed (up or down).
10 Year Dividend Streak
The number of consecutive dividend increases going back 10 years from the current year. A streak requires no interruption.
10 Year EPS Streak
The number of consecutive EPS increases going back 10 years from the current year. A streak requires no interruption.
Chowder Rule
The addition of the dividend yield and the lower of the 3, 5 or 10 year CAGR dividend growth.
Dividend Growth Stock Fit
A rating out of 10 to identify the stock as a fit for dividend growth investing.
Dividend Income Stock Fit
A rating out of 10 to identify the stock as a fit for dividend income investing.
Quote Grade
A grade (A+, A, B, C, D) on the assessment of the quote range.
P/E Grade
A grade (A+, A, B, C, D) on the assessment of the P/E against sector.
Revenue Growth Grade
A grade (A+, A, B, C, D) on the assessment of the revenue growth against sector.
Dividend Yield Grade
A grade (A+, A, B, C, D) on the assessment of the yield against sector.
Dividend Growth Grade
A grade (A+, A, B, C, D) on the assessment of the dividend growth against 10-year historical average.
Dividend Payout Ratio Grade
A grade (A+, A, B, C, D) on the assessment of the dividend payout ratio against historical averages.
3, 5, & 10 Year CAGR Dividend Growth
The Compound Annual Growth Rate over the past 3, 5, & 10 years.
3, 5 & 10 Year CAGR Revenue Growth
The Compound Annual Growth Rate over the past 3, 5 & 10 years.
Sector Revenue Growth Average
Average out the sector 10 year CAGR Revenue Growth.
3, 5 & 10 Year CAGR EPS Growth
The Compound Annual Growth Rate over the past 3, 5 & 10 years.
Business Quality
Broken down into 3 groups (normal, competitive and dominant). The quality is based on the business they conduct and how they make money through their size and market share.
As identified on TMX.
As identified on TMX.
Dividend Status
Status of the dividend vs the prior year.
Is the company a Dividend Aristocrats according to the S&P Index.
10/10 Rule
It represent a company that has been able to increase their dividends by 10% on average over the past 10 years. I use the 10-year CAGR value to assess the 10 year growth as it is better than simply taking an average. The company must have increased their dividends every year as well over the past 10 years.
US Ticker
The stock ticker on the New York Stock Exchange.