Dividend Earner was created to provide a resource to DIY Dividend Investors! Taking over your finances to avoid the high cost of mutual funds pushed by the banking world is no small task but a rewarding one.
To achieve the goal of providing amazing and educational content for all investors, the following writers are contributors and editors to much of the content seen on Dividend Earner.
Those who read Dividend Earner enter a community of investors focused on earning dividends in retirement!
This dividend blog shows how retiring with dividend income through dividend growth is possible. Many are without a pension plan, and we need to create our income-generating wealth and be the best dividend investor we can be.
Dividend Earner is the owner and primary contributor to the blog sharing his investment journey through learning and mistakes and what has worked to build a multi-million dollar portfolio.
Through research and analysis, the leading retirement portfolio follows a long term approach whereas the corporate portfolio follows an income strategy. A leveraged portfolio was recently added to put the dormant money in the house to work.
You can read my story in detail for more trial and tribulation.
Ashley is a CPA and tax consultant specializing in tax compliance services. She has worked in the accounting industry for over eight years, including time with a Big Four firm. She works as a tax accountant during the day but enjoys writing in her free time. She has contributed to a variety of accounting and finance blogs, sharing her expertise on a range of topics. Ashley lives in New York with her husband and puppy. She graduated from the State University of New York at Geneseo with a BS in accounting and obtained her CPA license soon after. You can also find her on LinkedIn.
Miyako is a new graduate from a Canadian university writing content to help young adults understand personal finance and investing.