CSX Corp is a premier transportation company based in Florida. It provides services like traditional rail service and the transport of intermodal containers and trailers.
It operates through its various subsidiaries like CSX Transportation, CSX Intermodal Terminals, Total Distribution Services, CSX Technology, etc. As a leading rail-based transportation supplier CSX Corp. runs 21,000 route miles of track in 23 states, the District of Columbia and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec.
CSX serves major markets in the eastern U.S. and has access to over 70 water port terminals along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes, and the St. Lawrence Seaway. The company also has access to Pacific ports through its alliance with western railroads.
CSX moves a broad portfolio of products such as chemicals (20%), coal (19%), intermodal (17%), agriculture & food (11%), automotive (11%), forest products (7%), metals & equipment (7%), fertilizers (4%), and minerals (4%) across the country. The company served three primary lines of business: merchandise (41% of volume), coal (14%) and intermodal (45%) in 2018.